Voluntary Sector Forum Winter Briefing - RCVDA

Voluntary Sector Forum Winter Briefing

Winter 2013

John Pearson, Chair of the R&C Voluntary Sector Forum

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the latest briefing from your Voluntary Sector Forum. The briefing is to update you on all the areas and issues the forum has been working through on your behalf. Members of Voluntary Sector Forum Steering Group (representatives of VCS groups from across the borough) continue to lead on work on your behalf – to ensure your interests are represented and fed into local structures and partnerships.

Once again, we have tried to keep this update short and snappy – but if you would like to know more detail about any area covered in the briefing or if you have a topic you think we should feature – then please do click on the links for more information or get in touch with mal@rcvda.org.uk or Telephone 01642 440571

John Pearson, Chair

R&C Voluntary Sector Forum

Health & Social Care Speed Dating Event – 24th October 2013
@ Tuned In, Redcar.

Where do we go from here?

This was the question we asked the groups that attended our highly successful event in May this year which focused on discussing the current policy and strategic issues and agendas in relation to health and social care in our borough. From the comments we received back from you, the most common was ‘we need to meet the people who are actually delivering on behalf of the public sector and let them know what we are doing and build relationships’. For this reason the Voluntary Sector Forum Steering Group arranged a further event which aimed to bring together health and social care professionals and local voluntary and community sector providers. One of the most successful events we have ever held was a speed dating event that gave local neighborhood officers and workers the chance to sit down with local VCS organisations and talk about how they work with local communities. We felt this would be a good way to enable groups to develop a conversation with individuals from the public sector.

The event started with a presentation by Mark Adams from Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council on the importance of developing solid relationships to achieve our shared outcomes. The main point from the presentation was that you can still influence people; even if you don’t know them and this can be achieved through partnerships. It was a very honest, witty and powerful presentation and many of the people in the room made a point of saying how great Mark’s presentation had been, with most stating ‘it was the best opening speech they had heard in a very long time!’ This excellent presentation set the tone for what was to develop into a very positive event.

John Pearson, Chair of the Voluntary Sector Forum said of the event: “For me the event was very encouraging, in that many had turned out to display, and talk about what they do on a daily basis; achieving community outcomes. These outcomes are at the core of health and well-being, and high on the agenda of borough council objectives. Mark spoke about relationships and this has to be the basis of good working partnerships; becoming more effective in what we do. Relationships are probably the most difficult thing we do; first we have to let people in.”

“The 5-minute slots for each table blurred a little, as it became clear that a good exchange of needs and ideas were being shared. Being clear about what the voluntary sector is achieving and the capacity for growth was so important; we all work much more efficiently when we understand the task ahead of us. Beginning to see how another such event can meet with more practitioners by change of location, fitting in with their work commitments; steps in the right direction.”

The ultimate outcome of the event was that there was a clear desire on behalf of the sector to develop solid working relationships with people on the ground and this was echoed by the officers who attended the event from the public sector. The VSF steering Group would like to thank all those people who took part to make it such a valuable event.

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